Roommate Guide
To help ensure a great residential experience on campus, take a look below for information about selecting a roommate and creating a mutually positive living environment.
Picking a roommate
Before selecting your roommate via the housing portal, you’ll want to think about your ideal living situation and how your roommate can help you reach that goal—and vice versa.
To help you through this process, here are some tips for choosing a roommate, as well as setting the foundation for a great, supportive residential experience.
Your roommate profile
When completing your profile in the housing portal, answer all questions as accurately and honestly as possible. Though you might be tempted to give answers that you think a roommate will want to hear, being upfront will help you connect with someone with similar living habits and preferences.
Friends as roommates
Spending time with friends is very different from living with them. When choosing a roommate, it’s more important to have shared living habits—quiet time, housekeeping, etc.—than shared tastes or social interests.
Compromise and non-negotiables
You and your potential roommate should talk before you decide to live together so you can discover what things you’ll need to compromise on and what’s non-negotiable for you—and possibly a deal-breaker.
First, be open to compromise. For example, if you know you’ll want to talk to your family on the phone often but your possible roommate likes a quiet space, try to agree on what the best times for both of you would be for personal phone calls in a shared space.
Second, be clear about anything you can’t live with or live without, or anything else non-negotiable, and ask your potential roommate to do the same. Better to find out before you move in than after.
If you need help starting a conversation with your possible roommate(s), read our conversation guide just below.
Talk before you choose
Before deciding to room with someone on campus, take time to learn about one another and whether you think you’d make good roommates. Below are some things you might want to discuss.
- Cleanliness: Do you prefer a spotless room? Tidy but lived-in? Are you fine as long as their mess stays on their side of the room?
- Study environment: Do you need total quiet or do you prefer some background noise? At what time do you study? Will it be hard for you to sleep if your roommate studies at night?
- Possessions and sharing: Are you usually ok with someone borrowing things from you? Are there things you aren’t willing to share?
- Phone use: Do you talk on the phone a lot? For how long? What are your privacy needs for phone calls?
- TV/music: When do you watch TV? Do you watch on a TV or on your laptop/phone? What music do you listen to? Stereo or headphones?
- Communication style: How do you respond to stress? What do you need when you are upset? Are you comfortable with disagreement? How do you approach someone when you disagree with them?
- Socializing: How often do you go out? Will you be around on weekends? What do you like to do for fun?
- Guests and visitors: Will you have overnight guests? How comfortable are you with your roommate having guests overnight? When? How often?
- Sleeping: When do you go to sleep? When do you start your morning? Are you a light or heavy sleeper? What could a roommate do to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep?
- Room temperature: Do you like your room warmer or cooler? Do you like to keep a window open?
- Safety and security: What do you need to talk about to make sure you and your things are safe and secure? Are you uncomfortable with guests in your room when you’re not there? How will you keep your belongings secure?
You have a roommate — now what?
First, get in touch! Send them an email, exchange numbers and talk/text on the phone. If you need help breaking the ice, you might ask:
- Where are you from? What’s your hometown like?
- Why did you come to RISD?
- What do you think you want to study here?
- What activities did you do in high school? What do you want to do while you’re here?
- How well do you know Providence? Have you been here before?
- What are you looking forward to?
Take some time to get to know each other. It doesn’t need to be deep. You’ll learn more about one another in time.
Talk about boundaries. What are your absolute musts/must nots (cleanliness, noise, etc.)?
Check in with one another as you get closer to move-in day, as much or as little as you need to. Keep an open mind, don’t stress or panic, and be yourself!
Contact Residence Life
Mon–Fri: 8:30 am–4:30 pm (main office)
South Hall, 1st floor
30 Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02903