Working with RISD Students

Learn how you can best support your RISD student workers, as well as your responsibilities as their employer. 

Supporting student employees

Orienting the student

We recommend that you set aside time to orient newly-hired students. Use this opportunity to reinforce relevant topics discussed at the interview, as well as discussing:

  • variations in work schedules for holidays, break periods, and examination periods
  • safety and health practices
  • the student’s responsibility for agency facilities and equipment
  • performance standards
  • dress code and other relevant policies and procedures
  • confirmation of pay rate
  • supervisory personnel


While each agency has its own standards for supervision of employees, supervisors of work-study students must also comply with our institutional policies.

When supervising work-study students, supervisors are expected to:

  • explain to the student their role in the agency and/or department.
  • explain the standards of behavior expected of employees.
  • provide training in skills and procedures necessary to perform tasks.
  • ensure adequate supervision of student work.
  • keep lines of communication open, clear, and constructive.
  • ensure that students are not scheduled to work during established class times.
  • treat all students in accordance with their rights, which are the same as all employees’ rights as defined by applicable state, federal, and RISD regulations.
  • monitor the student’s Work-Study award balance. This information can be obtained by contacting our office
  • ensure the accuracy of student hours.
  • give students a half-hour (minimum) unpaid break if working six or more continuous hours.
  • provide a work space that is free from hazards.
  • report any student workplace accidents or injuries to our office immediately.

When discussing supervision, it is important to provide answers to the following questions:

  • Who is the student’s supervisor?
  • Who is the alternate supervisor?
  • To whom should the student direct problems or questions?
  • Whom should the student contact in case of absence or change in work schedule? 

Corrective action procedures

We recommend that you follow RISD’s student employee corrective action procedures to allow an opportunity to improve within a specific time frame before deciding to terminate a student employee.

If a student’s performance does not improve to a satisfactory level within a designated time frame, you may proceed with the termination. We recommend that supervisors give students two weeks notice of termination. 

Before taking corrective action, including termination of employment, you must first contact our office.


Immediate termination is appropriate in cases of gross misconduct, which includes:

  • actions threatening the safety of others.
  • malicious use or theft of agency property.
  • falsification/forgery of timesheets or other documents.

Please report cases of gross misconduct immediately to Director of Student Employment Kevin Lynch

A student’s record of involuntary termination for gross misconduct may result in further disciplinary action by RISD.


If you need to terminate a student employee mid-program due to a lack of available work, we recommend that you give them two weeks’ notice. In the termination conversation, inform the student that the termination is not a reflection of work performance. You should also refer the student to our office so that we may help them find another suitable position.

Evaluations and the RISD GROW program

We encourage supervisors and off-campus agencies to give students ongoing feedback about their work. In addition, we expect that off-campus supervisors  formally evaluate work-study students’ work performance at least once per program (academic year and/or summer). We email evaluation forms to supervisors in April for the academic year and in August for the summer program.

While filling out form, we suggest you do the following for all of your work-study employees: 

  • complete the form
  • discuss the evaluation with the student
  • return the evaluation to our office

We will review and add the form to the student’s employment record. We also ask students to complete a confidential evaluation of their work experience at your agency for our records.