For Faculty
Learn how you can support students with disabilities, create inclusive classrooms and ensure equitable access to a RISD education.
Your role
Faculty members play a key role in our community’s shared responsibility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Disability Support Services (DSS) provides and manages the majority of support services the majority of support services the institution is required to make available to students with disabilities. The primary way that you support qualified students is by providing reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids and services.
To deliver approved academic accommodations in a timely, effective manner, full faculty cooperation is key. You are not responsible for making decisions about accommodations: DSS manages requests and collect appropriate documentation in evaluating student eligibility for accommodations. We determine what particular accommodations or support services students receive on an individual basis and according to the student’s documented needs.
Per protections established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), disability documentation submitted by students to our office are kept separate from their academic records. These records are not available to anybody outside DSS. However, we are permitted by FERPA to share information about the impact of a disability and about accommodation eligibility with other RISD officials who have a legitimate educational interest.
Under these guidelines, faculty do not have the right to to demand access to a student’s disability documentation. If a student requests that you provide an accommodation without presenting an accommodation letter to you, please recommend that they channel their requests to the DSS team.
If you are concerned that a requested accommodation may jeopardize the integrity of or cause a fundamental alteration to your course, please reach out to us to discuss.
Disability types
A student may have a disability that is temporary (such as a broken arm) relapsing and remitting, or long-term. Some disability types are:
- hearing loss
- low vision or blindness
- learning disabilities such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia or dyscalculia
- mobility disabilities
- chronic health disorders such as epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, migraine headaches or multiple sclerosis
- psychiatric disabilities, such as mood, anxiety and depressive disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder
- Asperger’s disorder or other autism spectrum disorders
- traumatic brain injury
Referring students
If a student discloses that they have a disability, we encourage faculty to refer them to us. If you think you have a student with a disability, you should ask them in private how you can support them. In this we advise you to recommend the several support services and departments available to them on campus, including DSS.
However, it is not appropriate for you to ask whether or suggest that a student has a disability. If you want to connect the student with us, you can recommend our time management support services, which we offer to all students regardless of disability status.
Unlike in high school, where teachers actively refer students to special education services, we use remember that college students are adults, and privacy is a major consideration. If you feel a student is eligible for services, you should be supportive and informational in referring them to us—not directive or authoritative.
Understand that some students may take offense to a DSS referral. In talking with your student, please steer the conversation away from the specific topic of disability. Instead, focus on observed behaviors and/or specific examples of their academic performance.
Supporting students
In any of your classes there may be a student who has chosen not to inform DSS, a faculty member or other office of their disability. You may also have a student who is eligible for a particular accommodation but chooses not to use it, or a student with an undiagnosed disability.
By law, we cannot require a student to come forward and, despite our best efforts to encourage early communication, some students may wait until they are in crisis before informing someone that they have a disability. It is not uncommon for a student to want to begin college without accommodations, but rather wait until right before an exam or critique—or after completion and return of graded work—to discuss their needs.
The decision to self-identify and ask for accommodations is deeply personal. For some students who received services prior to post-secondary education, their accommodations were managed by parents or high school systems, without the student’s direct participation. Others develop disabling conditions after beginning at RISD and have little experience requesting help. It takes time for students to advocate for themselves.
Do not disclose a student’s disability or their status with our office to anyone other than those authorized by the student. In any communication related to a student’s disability, focus on the accommodation(s) they need, not the disability itself. Never ask or require a student to disclose their disability.
Beyond the necessary information to make approved accommodations, it is for the student to choose if they want to share their disability information. Students do not need to provide faculty members with particulars about their disability, but they may choose to do so. If they do, maintain confidentiality about anything they tell you related to their disability.
Students have a right to privacy in disability matters. Regarding the accommodation notices you receive, refrain from discussing a student’s disability and necessary accommodations in the presence of fellow students or anyone besides those with an education-related need to know.
Student conduct
As with their peers, students with disabilities are responsible for upholding RISD’s code of student conduct. A disability does not excuse disruptive or inappropriate behaviors, and the fact that a student has a disability should not inhibit you from notifying the appropriate offices if they are disruptive in class.
Any member of the RISD community may report alleged violations of conduct and community standards, either by submitting an online form or by contacting Student Affairs, Public Safety or Residence Life.
In the event of an emergency, contact Public Safety immediately, either by calling 401 454-6666 or via the LiveSafe mobile app. Following discovery of the suspected misconduct, submit a report as soon as is practical.
Student behavior varies greatly. While our office does not provide treatment for students, faculty can certainly consult with us to help you work with students more effectively. When faced with student conduct issues, you should always consult directly with the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office.
Creating inclusive classrooms
Using principles of universal design for learning (UDL) in your instruction can maximize learning for all students in your courses. UDL is a teaching approach that accommodates the needs and abilities of all learners and eliminates unnecessary hurdles in the learning process. It is an approach to designing course instruction, materials and content such that all students can access learning with a diminished need for retrofitting or accommodations.
Through UDL, you develop a flexible learning environment in which you present information and students engage in learning in multiple ways, and students have options for demonstrating what they have learned.
Inclusive teaching refers to pedagogy that strives to serve the needs of all students, regardless of background or identity, and support their engagement with subject material.
Please see more about inclusive teaching practices from the Teaching and Learning Lab.
Inclusive language
By using “people-first language” (PFL) in speaking about disabilities, you describe the disability a person has, not who they are—you put the person before the disability. With PFL you use phrases like “person with a disability,” “individuals with disabilities,” “children with disabilities,” etc., as opposed to phrases like “the disabled” or “a disabled person,” which identify people based solely on their disability.
Note that there are differences in preference among individuals with disabilities (see “Autism language” below).
Able-bodied Recommendation: The term “non-disabled” and the phrases “does not have a disability” or “is not living with a disability” are more neutral choices. “Able-bodied” is an appropriate term to use in some cases, such as when referring to government reports on the proportion of able-bodied members in the workforce. In some cases, the word “typical” can be used to describe a non-disabled condition, although be aware that some in the disability community object to its use.
Autism Language: Many autistic adults prefer identity-first language (autistic person) rather than person-first language (person with autism), similar to other marginalized communities that wish to reclaim their identity.
Some prefer identity-first language because it indicates that being autistic is an inherent part of a person’s identity, not an addition to it. Many people also feel that autism is a different way of seeing and interacting with the world, rather than an impairment.
Still, it’s important to note that no autistic individual can speak for everyone. On the individual level, it’s always polite to ask each person about their language preferences.
Course announcements and syllabus statements
By making a general announcement about accommodations during the first session of each course you teach, you broach the topic in a neutral way, and helps students feel more comfortable initiating a discussion with you about their needed accommodation(s).
Similarly, including a statement about accommodations in your syllabus communicates that you are accommodating, encourages interaction to discuss accommodations and allows you to let your students know they can reach out to our office if they haven’t already requested accommodations.
More course and syllabus design resources are available from the Teaching and Learning Lab.
Accessible course materials
Faculty responsibilities
Ensuring accessibility is an ongoing responsibility shared by all members of the RISD community. To support students with visual, hearing or cognitive impairments that create challenges in accessing course content and require the use of assistive technologies (e.g., screen readers), it is imperative that we ensure online and print content is made accessible to the widest array of users.
To ensure that students with disabilities can access content at a similar pace to other students, it is vital that faculty attend to accessibility issues ahead of when students with disabilities will need them in order to engage with the material.
Changes to your course, like those listed below, will aid all students with a variety of learning needs, regardless of ability:
- structuring text in a way that supports students for whom English is not their first language
- simplifying course navigation in Canvas to aid students who are blind or have impaired vision
- adding captions that help students with hearing loss as well as those new to a content area and/or unfamiliar with key terminology
Avoid adding new materials during the semester. If you need to do so, ensure that you provide them at least two weeks before they’ll be used in class, in case a student needs to work with our office to have the new materials adapted into an accessible format.
Students with print disabilities may require texts in braille, large print, electronic and/or audio formats. We work in advance of each semester and then throughout the first weeks of the semester to convert required readings into usable formats for students with disabilities. Any delays in this process may result in students falling behind in the course—a challenge that is difficult to overcome.
To support students who use screen readers, upload materials in PDF format, ideally with limited images. Never post a scanned file, as these are images that screen readers cannot access.
If you are using a Microsoft Word file, make sure you create them with embedded structure before posting to the web or converting to a PDF. All course information you provide should be organized in a consistent and logical manner, using formats that contain headings and subheadings.
Best practices
Even before receiving an accommodation letter from a student, you can take steps to review the digital content of your course and ensure it is as accessible as possible. By making course materials as accessible as possible before the start of classes, you help reduce the time it takes for our office to convert them into additional accessible formats, saving time for everyone involved the accommodations process, and minimizing the impact of of complications and delays during the semester. Such complications and delays can place an additional, unfair burden on students receiving accommodations.
Classroom materials utilizing color should use simple color schemes.
Consider using Canvas to post your course syllabus and other important class information and materials electronically. While Canvas itself is accessible, you still need to post course files in accessible formats. RISD gives you access to Canvas Ally, a tool that helps make digital course content more accessible. Integrated into Canvas, this product helps ensure your courses are inclusive and, by optimizing usability, accessibility and overall quality, improves the learning experience for all students.
If you show videos in class, use closed captions. For Canvas users, an audio transcription tool is available to support you. You’ll also find live auto-captioning features in several platforms, including PowerPoint, Google Slides and Google Meet. Panopto—as well as YouTube—lets you add closed captions to videos.
Whenever possible, assign books and textbooks with available electronic versions. Please list textbooks in your syllabus or on Canvas to give students with accommodations and our office enough time to review materials and create alternate formats, if necessary.
When using PDFs, avoid ones created from scanned paper documents. Instead, try using PDFs created from digital files. For all handouts and other paper materials, ensure that you make digital versions available.
During lectures, consider giving all students in your course direct access to PowerPoint presentations, as some students find it helpful to take notes within PowerPoint. This also makes it so you don’t need to send the PowerPoint file separately to individual students who need it per their accommodation.
Accessible PDFs
To support students who use screen readers, upload materials in PDF format, ideally with limited images. Do not post scanned files; these are in fact image files that screen readers cannot access.
When using PDFs, avoid creating them by scanning paper documents. Instead, try to use digital files in creating PDFs. For all handouts and other paper materials, ensure that you make digital versions available.
For Microsoft Word files, create them with embedded structure before posting to the web or converting to PDF format. All course information you provide should be organized in a consistent and logical manner, using formats that contain headings and subheadings.
A resource for creating accessible word documents, PDFs, excel documents, powerpoint presentations, and accessible scanned documents can be found here.
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Frequently asked questions
Will RISD notify me if a student in my class has a disability?
No. Also note that a student does not need to inform you about their specific disability. They only need to notify you of their required accommodations, as indicated in the accommodation letter they receive from our office.
You may have a student who has a disability but has chosen not to inform RISD. By law, we cannot require such students to disclose their disability.
You may also have a student who is eligible for an accommodation but chooses not to use it, or one with an undiagnosed disability. Ultimately it is a student’s responsibility to self-identify—but your patience and guidance can go a long way toward getting them across the threshold.
What if a student says they have a disability without showing me an accommodation letter?
We ask that you do not provide informal accommodations, as they may not meet the student’s disability-related access needs. Rather, faculty should refer such students to our office.
Faculty are not responsible for making decisions about accommodations. If a student who is not yet active in our system has an immediate concern regarding your class, you may provide them the same consideration for extenuating circumstances that you would for students without disabilities.
Accommodations are not retroactive. A student who shows you their accommodation letter later in the semester cannot receive accommodations for prior work.
Am I allowed to contact DSS about a student and/or their accommodations?
Feel free to contact us anytime to discuss your student and any questions you have about their accommodations. However, please note that we cannot disclose a student’s disability to you—it is the student’s choice alone whether or not to do so.
The accommodation letter doesn’t indicate the student’s disability. Don’t I need to know what it is?
No. Students with disabilities have a right to privacy regarding their medical diagnoses and documentation. Do not request medical documentation from a student regarding their disability. It is student’s choice if they wish to share this information with you.
The only information you need to know is that they have a qualifying disability for which they need to receive specific accommodations. If you feel you need to verify that a student’s accommodation request is disability related, please contact our office.
What if an accommodation doesn’t pertain to my course?
The accommodation letter you receive from a student will describe all approved classroom and/or examination accommodations. Though some accommodations might not be pertinent to your course, you are responsible for implementing any and all that would impact your teaching or assessment of work in a given course.
What if I think an accommodation fundamentally alters an essential requirement or objective of a course or academic program?
Whether a requested accommodation would in fact fundamentally alter an essential requirement or course objective is generally assessed on a case-by-case basis. If you believe an accommodation might require such an alteration, contact our office to discuss.
Generally, these discussions may include the course instructor, the department head, DSS staff, and other administrators as deemed appropriate. Together we will assess whether or not an accommodation request is reasonable and, if necessary, alternatives to the requested accommodation. Our office will notify the student of our final decision.
In determining whether an accommodation would alter an essential course requirement, please consider the following:
- What is the purpose of the course?
- What are the prerequisites or necessary background knowledge?
- What core outcomes/expectations, as stated on the course syllabus, are required of all students?
- What specific knowledge, principles, skills or concepts are students expected to acquire, demonstrate and/or master throughout the course?
- What course aspects or requirements are a significant part of the learning process?
- Could an alternative approach achieve the same result?
- What methods of instruction are essential to course delivery?
- Are any methods of instruction nonnegotiable? Do instructors of other sections of your course use instructional methods other than your own?
What if a student with a disability accommodation is not able to keep up with my class?
An accommodation should not be regarded as giving a student an advantage or special privilege. Rather, think of it as a way of lessening the impact of the student’s disability to the greatest extent possible. Regardless of disability, a student receiving an accommodation must conform to and meet the same academic standards as their peers.
If a student with a disability accommodation is struggling in your class, treat them the same way you would any other student in the same situation, though you might also encourage then to seek support from DSS and other campus resources as appropriate, such as Counseling and Psychological Services or the Center for Arts & Language.
Must a student with a disability adhere to RISD’s attendance policy and/or that for a specific course?
Regardless their disability status, students with disabilities must adhere to RISD’s attendance policy. In the event of a medical issue, the student should discuss it with you directly.
If class attendance is essential, you should decide what flexibility you may be able to offer and discuss it with the student early on in the semester.
Contact DSS

Mon–Fri: 8:30 am–4:30 pm
Carr House, 2nd floor
210 Benefit Street
Providence, RI 02904